Welcome Wild One, I’m Danielle, D, or Dan.. depending on who’s talking.
I’m a Certified International Freedom Coach, Speaker, Equality Advocate, Podcast Host, and adventurous free(d) spirit with what could be considered a masters in outside the box thinking, a PhD in the power of play and new experiences, and an almost magical ability to transform the way you see yourself, your potential, your life and others.
… Not exactly stock standard credentials, right?
Like you, I’m not a stock standard kinda human.
For most of my life, I, too, have felt like the odd one out.
While everyone else around me was fretting over career choices, pre-planning their perfect homes, marriage, babies and picket fences, I was dreaming about traveling the world and making a difference.
Call me crazy ( and many people have ) but I’ve always had a deep belief that our lives are meant to be steeped in the richness of adventures, creativity, freedom and Sovereignty of Self and connection to and with others.
I believe you were, I was, we are built for and deserve more… And that none of us are free until we all are.
My rebellion against the rules, the structures and stories that keep us disconnected from ourselves, our purpose, our passion and each other started at a young age from questioning my teachers, my parents and anything else that made me feel suffocated or resritced.
I was always told I was ‘too much’ of something.
So I enrolled in University because everyone was telling me it was the ‘right’ thing to do if I wanted to get a ‘decent’ job and be ‘successful’.
I come from a long line of creative adventurers. My family is from England, Zimbabwe and South Africa and they moved a lot before settling in Australia. Even though travel is in my blood, when it came time to choose my path in life; my truth, my wanderlust and my desire to make big meaningful impact in the world got trapped under all of the things I ‘SHOULD’ do, and so I made decisions to try and please everyone else instead.
Ugggggh. Spoiler alert: It didn’t work. I felt like a caged bird.
So, at 19 I made the decision to pause my university studies and follow my cravings to explore and learn about the world through actually experiencing it.
I didn’t know what I was looking for, or where this decision was going to lead.. but I just knew there was something ‘more’ out there for me than the cookie cutter way we’re taught life ‘has’ to be lived.
That solo adventure morphed into what is now 12+ years of slowing traveling, volunteering and working through 57 countries and for some time calling 8 of them home.
Immersing myself in different places and learning from different cultures also helped me ‘un-learn’ many things about myself and the world. It helped open my eyes to how much we are influenced by the culture and society we grow up in and I developed an understanding of the racist and patriarchal systems we are all a part of.
I was able to write my own stories, walk my own path and build trust in my own inner voice - it helped me become more of the person I am meant to be.
I’d never felt more alive.
But nobody ‘got it’ and well-meaning friends and fam would ask:
“When are you going to settle down?” and “What’s your plan?”
And the messages all around me from society was screaming at me that things can’t be done this way.
But I’d always wonder … Why not?
I’ve experienced two massive life altering transformations ( hello Saturn returns!) over my 33 years on this planet thus far.
Both have been born from allowing others to dictate my path or choices instead of following what felt good, and right for me.
The first was after 6 years of full time traveling, all of the constant questions and doubts got under my skin. I started to doubt myself and my path and I returned to Australia and
I luckily landed a cool job in the music industry organising concerts and shows taking care of local talent and international A-listers. Rubbing shoulders with celebs, earning lots of money, living next to the beach - it was steeped in privielege and my life looked great on paper
- boxes ticked.
but I knew something was missing. I knew it. I felt it.
(Probably in the same way you can feel that you, too, are destined for more.)
The truth is that it took losing my best-friend in a car accident for me to wake up, switch off auto pilot and start living for me.
I wasn’t sure what I was going to do … but I was sure that the way I was settling was slowing killing my Spirit and things had to change.
So I moved to Costa Rica and spent six months diving into the murky mess that was all of my internal crap. I wanted to reconnect and find my way back to the sense of being truly alive that I’d felt all those years ago.
It was a total shitshow. But a much needed one. I finally got real about my fears and faced up to how I was playing small and wanting to please others. I got back to my wild, untamed, playful essence and as I sat in the tropical heat of my jungle apartment, I had a real awakening…I’d been trying to find a place where I fit inside the box instead of realising I could recreate it to suit me.
All of my life, I’ve been the go-to girl you went to if you were looking for a permission slip to ditch the safe and sure, and go for the wild and true.
So, I studied to become a Certified Coach which gave me the tangible tools I needed to fuse my passions, experience, expertise and guidance to empower others ( like you ) to break free from the bullshit keeping them stuck.
Want to spend your savings on travelling for five years or investing in a creative project (instead of a mortgage, like your folks wanted)?
Want to turn your passion for yoga into a bizz + get paid for what you love?
Want to use your skills to make a real impact in the world instead of just going through the motions at work?
I’m here to tell you ( and guide you to ) go for your dreams, because life’s short, and you’re the only one that gets to decide what freedom looks like for you.
I’ve supported and inspired over 8,000 free spirited humans like you all over the world through my podcast, events and retreats, Freedom Coaching and programs and social media. And through helping others thrive, I’d also created a lifestyle that truly felt more like ME then ever before… I thought I was 110% ALL IN on my dreams, my purpose, my vision.
Then came the 2nd slap from the Universe….
And I know we’ve only just met, but I’m gonna get real and intimate with you here because it’s important…
A few years ago a routine check up at the Doctors quickly turned serious when I was told I’d need a procedure to remove some abnormal cells otherwise I’d be at risk of developing cancer.
I believe our Body is always giving us signs, and if mine was screaming at me this loudly I knew it meant something was deeply out of alignment.
I’d spent so much time in my head, constantly ‘on’, so much out-put, building my dream-life that I was burning out in the pursuit of ‘doing’ things I loved and of making a difference in the world, and I’d neglected the parts within me that still felt trapped.
I’d unknowingly created my own kind of cage.
I’d become so wrapped up in purpose and what I was DOING in the world that I had neglected
My pleasure.
My rest.
My relaxation.
I felt guilty if I wasn’t being ‘productive’.
I leaked energy and constantly showed up for people even when I didn’t ‘have it in me’.
I was still shying away from my inner power.
I was scared to own and take up space as the FULLNESS of me.
Maybe you’re feeling some of these things, too?
I believe the revolution starts from within and I will hold us accountable for the ways we chain ourselves but blame the world.
I uncovered the shame that was surrounding my sensuality and sexuality - aka most of my innate power.
Explored where I was hiding from my genius and being complacent with my privilege.
Started to release the guilt that was forcing me to constantly be ‘on’.
Healed old wounds of being too much. shining too brightly.
I stripped away the ‘busy'-ness’ and distractions to sink into my softness. ( Hard to do as independant go-getter peeps, right?!)
I raged for days. I cried for weeks. I unravelled for months.
I danced and nurtured my Self…
And then I rose.
Into being FULLY SEEN and let myself HAVE FUN in all of my wildness.
I developed and integrated new ways of Being that fully supported and sustained me in life, business, relationships - all areas. ( And the same is possible for you, too!)
Not because I ‘earned it’.
Not for the experience I have.
Not for what I can do and be and give to others.
Not for the gifts I have to connect and support others but simply for being ME.
Because play and pleasure and rest is our birthrite, and I’m here to help you rise into yours.
P.s All of this lead me to heal my body!!!! ( Can I get a ‘f*ck yeah’ !?)
I know that fluidity and our ability to adapt, heal, grow and impact is found in the fun and that without it we are anchored to our stagnancy and committed to performative freedom.
This is your invitation to RISE with me into a type of inner freedom that fuels all that you do, and that no one can ever take.
Regardless of that state of the world, what pandemic is happening, the rules or restrictions being enforced, the excuses or self sabotage we carry with us - I believe we are always capable of cultivating a sense of true safety and security that comes from deeply knowing, trusting and standing Sovereign in ourselves, unapologetically.
Yes, it’s scary.
And yes, procrastination, self-sabotage, fear, frustration and a whole shit load of other obstacles will stand in your way. I get it.
But, that’s why I’m here. You are not alone.
“ This is the absolute best gift you can give yourself. There’s nothing like having someone who truly ‘sees’ you. I’d recommend Danielle to anyone who’s lost their way + frustrated, she can help you find yourself again. ”
-Sophie Von Marricks.
“ I wanted so much out of life but felt a huge block in being able to discover and reach it. Danielle helped me have a major shift that I can only describe as an awakening of the woman inside me and a home-coming to myself.
We have such potential locked within us, Danielle is the one to help you find the key.
- Lily Beautmont
The sacred journey to your own version of freedom is the most worthwhile adventure you’ll ever take.
And I’m here to help you navigate it.
The Freedom Fund
I am here for collective liberation.
I believe in the power and importance of using my privilege and platforms to help support individuals, build community and unlock ways that we can collectively use what we have to circulate time, energy and resources to liberate the collective.
None of us are truly free, until we all are.
This is a heart and soul led business as a vehicle for change and disrupting systems, stories and conditioning that keep us disconnected, stuck and suffering.
Every quarter a % of my profits are donated or circulated to a social cause, movement, charity or BIPOC owned business.
Thank you for your support in helping be part of the change. x